Training videos can cut cost, time and headaches
Perhaps the biggest headache for employers — aside from finding a great employee — is training those employees.
Do you know on average new employees receive over 60 hours of training per year? And a U.S. study found that approximately 84.4 percent of those employed at companies with 50 or more received formal training at work. Perhaps that’s because 68 percent of employees prefer to learn and train at their work.
Well, Wheelhouse Creative LLC can help.
Among the many services offered by our advertising and marketing firm are customized training videos to cut back on the time employers spend on training. We can work with you to provide an initial training video or an update of an outdated one.
“Training videos are a unique subset of what we do in that they can be incredibly elaborate or simple and straightforward, depending upon the company that wants them produced,” said Wheelhouse creative director Joe Monahan. “In general, they are used to train employees on procedures and processes, and sometimes they even include company policies.
“Some companies want to transform their training manuals into visuals, but to be effective, they need to illustrate what tends to be dry material in ways that can engage.”
That’s where Wheelhouse Creative LLC comes into play. We have the experience to help.
“We’ve done training videos for companies such as Ergon, Inc., to train contractors who might come in to do work at their facilities,” Monahan said. “Those tend to be straightforward, and we’ll use video to show areas of the facilities and simulations of procedures to be followed.
“Then you have training videos such as the Mock Prison Riot, which tend to be adrenaline filled displays of how to handle rioting inmates in a safe, effective manner. The content between the two is wildly different, but they are both training videos.”
The bottom line is we all respond better to seeing procedures in video than reading – especially in these days of shorter attention spans.
“If a picture is worth a thousand words, then video can communicate info that would take a novel to convey, actually showing the viewer the process that is to be learned,” Monahan said. “Statistics show most people tend to learn more when they are shown what to do as opposed to reading about it which makes video a very effective training medium.”
As Monahan mentioned in the above example, Wheelhouse uses its staff’s inherent creativity to fashion just the right training video for your company.
“While training videos are all designed to do the same thing, the approach can certainly vary,” Monahan said. “My favorites are the companies willing to go beyond the simple narrative and create something compelling.”
So, if you’re ready to drastically cut back the time you train employees, give Wheelhouse Creative LLC a call today at 304-905-6005.