Graphic Design
As cliche as it sounds, first impressions really are important. You don’t want to flash that first smile with lettuce in your teeth. That’s why your company’s visual identity in print and online is so important. Your customers see this first – before they’ve read a word of copy, view your products, or listen to your sales pitch.
Your choice in graphics allows for instant credibility, showcases your personality, and begins the work of shaping the perception of your brand. Bush-league design work takes your company, your product, and your service off the table of options before you’ve even had a chance.
Design is more than a logo; it is an overall visual concept that unites the look and feel of all your communications, from website to direct mail. For anyone who’s ever told you that looks don’t matter, they lied. In design, looks do matter. After that first impactful visual impression, you can charm them with your personality.
Examples of our work:
- Billboards
- Direct mail
- Magazine & Newspaper ads
- Brochures
- Rack cards
- Business cards
- Advertising/Promotional Products
- Package Design
- Stationery & letterhead
- Posters
- Postcards
- Trade-show displays
- Presentation packages
- Catalogs & Books
- Calendars