The Perks of Homeownership
I recently purchased my first home and it’s an exciting time for both me and my wife. My commute to work went from an hour down to 20 minutes. We have a piece of property that we can make our own. A perfect little place to start a family! And part of the family could possibly include a dog.
EDIT: Now I’m going to stop you right there because I see what you’re thinking and I want to nip this in the bud right now. Let me just get one thing clear. I did not buy a house just so I could get a dog.
Living in an apartment up to this point of my life has been restrictive. It’s a small and confining space. Every time that something breaks you have to put a work order in and hope that maintenance can stop by and fix it. And of course, no dogs are allowed.
EDIT: I know how this might look to you, but I did not go through the entire process of purchasing a house just so that I can have a dog.
There are many perks to buying a house. I now own property. I have a yard that I mow myself. I can now…pay taxes on my house. I can…build a deck. You can’t build a deck on an apartment. The landlord usually frowns on that. I mean think of all of the things you can fit in a house. You can fit a car in the garage, a table to eat dinner with your wife…and a dog bed for a possible dog you may get in the future.
EDIT: I reiterate, the possibility of having a dog is not the reason I bought a house. But think of it like this, an apartment was keeping me from enjoying one of the greatest joys in life, interacting with man’s best friend. An apartment kept me from that kind of bond. You think that’s freedom? You think that is the American way? I bought a house because I’m an American. I bought a house because I like freedom, so sue me!
My wife and I are excited for the years ahead spent making this house a home and on an unrelated note I think we want a chocolate lab.
EDIT: You know, looking back on this I’m a little worried I may have bought a house just because I wanted a dog.