How Much Longer???
When the 17-year Cicadas converged on the Ohio Valley a few short weeks ago, I was rather indifferent with regard to their presence. I find them ugly and noisy, but they’re here. OK, whatever. Its’ not like they bite or sting or are spider-like. I don’t have many Cicadas around my house probably because there aren’t many trees in my neighborhood and we dug up our yard about eight years ago when we installed an in-ground pool, disturbing the Cicadas that burrowed during their previous visit 17 years ago. So, for the most part, I really haven’t been bothered by them. Until yesterday.
During my lunch hour, I decided to run some errands. Driving down the street, every two seconds a Cicada would hit my windshield. And another. And then another. Those Cicada guts don’t clear easily with windshield washer fluid! When I got out of my car to take my clothes into the dry cleaner, I was dive-bombed by what seemed like dozens of the insects. Upon entering the building, the clerk told me they had been flying in as people opened the door to come and go. As I was getting back into the car, I was pelted again by many. It’s like they blindly fly into anything that happens to be in their path. Can they not see with those big, red eyes??? As I looked behind me while backing out of the parking lot, I noticed I wasn’t alone in my car. Staring back at me from my upper arm was…yep, you guessed it. The friendly neighborhood Cicada. It’s like being in a bad horror movie! You just can’t escape.
I was 27 the last time the Cicadas were here, but I don’t recall there being so many or any incidents like what I’ve recently experienced. Yes, they were flying around, but I don’t remember being randomly biffed in the head by them. I recall that they made noise, but I don’t remember the screech being so deafening in places. (As I write this, one of my colleagues just screamed as there is a locust in the office.) Maybe I am not as indifferent about the presence of the Cicadas as I once thought or maybe I am just not as tolerant as I was in my 20s. I must admit I will be glad when they’re gone.
How much longer?