Dress for the Season or the Weather?
My favorite season has finally arrived. Yes, the first day of fall is upon us once again. I’m ready for comfy sweaters, maroon skinny jeans and boots. I’m also ready to burn my at least 20 Bath and Body Works fall candles and consume anything and everything pumpkin-flavored. However, I really don’t feel like doing any of that today as the temperature has soared to near 90 degrees. It’s officially fall, what’s this all about? This sweltering heat has once again made me question something I wrestle with frequently during these transitional weeks and months – should I dress for the weather or the season?
Let me paint this picture for you. I roll out of bed in just enough time to brush my teeth, poorly apply my makeup and shoddily straighten my hair, leaving between three and five minutes to pick out an outfit for work. One would think that this close to the first day of fall, I’d be donning dress pants paired with a tasteful three-quarter length blouse, maybe even a scarf if I’m feeling really festive. But, alas, it’s already 70 degrees outside and getting warmer. Therefore, I’m left deciding between practically cooking myself alive in a lightweight sweater in a building that has most likely turned the AC off OR wearing a brightly-colored tank top at the end of September when the leaves have already started changing. I don’t have time for these decisions.
I digress for just one second. Does anyone recall the weather we had last Christmas Eve? It was at least 65 degrees that day. I wrapped presents in shorts with my window open. How bizarre is that? It really bums me out when the temperature doesn’t coincide with the season. It’s truly amazing what global warming has done to this earth, but this blog isn’t about politics.
Back to the topic at hand. Olivia and I discuss this dilemma all the time, and given the choice between dressing for the season or the weather, I tend to favor the latter option. I’d rather be comfortable than fashionable. I say that with an asterisk, though, because I’m wearing that three-quarter length blouse and nearly sweating to death in my office today. I did nix the scarf because it’s too hot outside for that.
Happy fall, ya’ll! May your outfit decisions be made more easily than mine this season and always!