Account Executives: The Ones Who Wear Many Hats
For those who did not know, Amazon’s iconic Prime Day was on Monday, July 16. Amazon Prime Day is a one-day only global shopping event exclusively for Amazon Prime members. This day is like Black Friday in July for Amazon, they more than likely spend months, weeks and days preparing for everything to be perfect for consumers on this one day. Unfortunately, the company’s website crashed just as the event began.
What are the results for a crashed website? A PR nightmare? Yes. Angry customers? Of course. But once you get over those bumps, you get most successful Amazon Prime Day in the history of the annual event. Moving on from the fact that you may have missed out on the air fryer you wanted to give your grandma for her birthday, you learn to see that not all mistakes lead to absolute failures. This lesson is especially true in the marketing and advertising industry.
Account executives are responsible for handling multiple accounts. With this comes wearing a different hat throughout each and every day. My favorite part about the industry is the creative meetings. Sometimes this process is long and frustrating, other times everything is right in the world and an idea comes together within the first five minutes. What I have learned the most out of these meetings is that sometimes you can say something funny and off topic that leads to an idea, you can be looking at an image upside down and the lightbulb goes off in your head. Ultimately you can turn something, yes even mistakes, into greatness. While it is nice to find the silver lining in situations, there are times when the mistake is a mistake and you learn from it. In the end it helps you pay very close attention to all of the details.